Recovery and Corrective Exercises For Your Favourite Activity

Before corrective exercises can be prescribed to a patient a thorough assessment must take place. At Gastown Physio & Pilates, each patient is thoroughly assessed when they arrive for their initial visit. The assessment is carried out through a comprehensive history and traditional orthopaedic / strength / movement analysis to find out what muscle is not providing proper support, what impairments may be present, and how to correct these issues.

Once the initial impairment is established, the relationship to the compensatory structures can be easily found. This gives direction to the treatment, as opposed to chasing pain and only alleviating symptoms. The clinical impression provides avenues to specific rehab exercises and activities to avoid, which reduces healing time and prevents future re-occurrences of the injury.

Whether you are into performance sports like Olympic weightlifting, skiing, surfing, rock climbing, or you want to be pain free in order to play with the grandkids and keep the weeds from overtaking your garden, we are here to help.