Shoulder Mobility and Stability

Shoulder mobility and stability for lifting:

  1. Pec opener stretch

  2. Turkish getup

  3. Banded w-row to overhead press

The below movements are important for releasing your anterior muscles (pectoralis major and minor) of the shoulder to allow the head of the humerus to sit nicely in it’s “home” prior to beginning any overhead movements. It sets your shoulder up for correct placement which then leads to a quick progression in weight and reps and avoids injury. It is very difficult (not to mention incorrect) to start shoulder based exercises without being able to find your neutral shoulder zone of the head of the humerus and scapula. The turkish get up is a great stability exercise to work endurance of overhead work prior to commencing more repetitive movements like the banded w-row to overhead press. 

Pec opener stretch

Be sure to stretch your pecs in three different positions. As seen in the video, start by placing your elbow in line with your shoulder. You can adapt a lunge position with your legs to ensure your hips remain square. Repeat with the elbow above and below shoulder height. You should feel a stretch above and below in the pec.

Hold each position for 3-5 breaths and repeat on the other arm.

Turkish getup

Pick a weight that you feel comfortable with holding above your head for approximately 15-30 seconds. In the video, a 12lb kettlebell was used. Starting with your right arm above head, the right knee will also be flexed and the left leg and arm straight out on the floor. Key pointers for this movement you should want to be hitting: Rolling from supine to sitting upright on your sit bones, squeeze the glutes to lift the hips to 180 degrees (flat), use your core to scoop the left leg through the arm whilst maintaining the kettlebell or weight directly above the shoulder, use your obliques to lift the torso into a lunge, press from your right glute to stand from the lunge watching you have no rib flare (hip to rib connection). Reverse these movements to return to supine while again, maintaining the kettlebell or weight directly above the shoulder.

4-6 reps x3 each side

Banded w-row to overhead press

Cross the band over and ensure it’s an even resistance for both sides. You’re looking for an exhale on the overhead press with proper pelvic floor and deep core activation. As seen in the video, you can slowly progress to incorporating small leg movements to mimic what your body will be doing for a clean and press with a barbell when ready. Make sure you’re lifting the elbows inline with the shoulders prior to your external rotation at 90 degrees (this is a nice opportunity to inhale to prep for the exhale overhead press). Do not flare your ribs or let your lower back arch when lifting overhead. Keep your chin in neutral and do not let it poke forwards either. You're wanting to maintain a neutral s-curve while completing this exercise.

10-12 reps x3