A.R.T. - Active Release Therapy

What is it?

Active Release Technique (ART) is a patented soft tissue technique used by registered health care professionals in order to help break down scar tissue and remove adhesions caused by repetitive strain or injury.

How does it work?

ART allows the practitioner to decrease pain and relieve movement restrictions in the targeted area by mobilizing a part of the muscle that is not activated correctly. The technique involves placing the targeted muscle in a shortened position and then lengthening it under tension, which is generated by the practitioner’s hand.

What Are the Benefits?

The formation of scar tissue from repetitive strain or injury can restrict the movement of muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. It can also cause peripheral nerve entrapments causing pain, burning, numbness, tingling, and pins-and-needles. ART breaks down the formed scar tissue to resolve pain, restore movement, and aid in the healing process.This will help you get back to your favourite activity as safely and as quickly as possible.