Micro-Point Stimulation (MPS)

MPS, micro-point stimulation, is a modality used to help loosen adhesions caused by scar tissue and decrease the pain associated with chronic injuries.

Scar tissue most often forms after there has been significant trauma to an area of the body. This trauma could be caused by a fall, car accident, or surgical incisions.

In theory our healthy tissues are coated in a negative charge which is why they slide nicely past one another as we move (like repels like). When there is trauma to the area and scar tissue forms, these tissues are now covered in a positive charge. The positive charge of the traumatized tissues is attracted to the negative charge of the healthy tissues creating an adhesion, like a magnet. The micro-current, created by the MPS machine, reverses the positive charge of the traumatized tissues back to a healthy negative charge and therefore free's up the tissues and allows them to slide freely past one another again.

MPS is great for treating the following conditions:

  • Cesarean section scars

  • Breast augmentation scars

  • Mastectomy and lymph node removal sites

  • Surgical scars; over internal fixation after breaking a bone

  • Knee replacement scars

  • Hip replacement scars

  • Crush injury sites

The micro-current impulses can also be applied to trigger, motor, and acupuncture points to provide effective pain relief. Micro-current stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which acts opposite to the infamous sympathetic nervous system, known for "fight, flight, or freeze". In chronic pain, the sympathetic "switch" may be left on. Micro-current can help reset the sensitivity, leaving you with less pain.

Contraindications to MPS

  • Pregnancy

  • Pacemaker

  • Active cancer

The MPS modality is a helpful adjunct to Active Release Technique (ART).

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me!

- Ashleigh Low, Physiotherapist