Newsletter - JULY 2020

Thank you for your continued support these past few months, it is making a difference in our lives. TeamGPP continues to dedicate our efforts to make a difference in yours.

We have found the resources to allow a safe and purposeful expansion of our services in Stage 3.

In the second week of July, we are expanding the number of treatment times available. We remain dedicated to implementing:

  1. Social Distancing

  2. Frequent Hand-Washing

  3. Absolute use of PPE, especially masks

These commitments remain in line with the best recommendations of WorkSafe BC and the College of Physical Therapists of BC.

We are thrilled to expand our administrative support by bringing Hurray back, and he is glad to be back in support of your health-care. Thank you for your continued support, we acknowledge the difficulties associated with a skeleton team operating phones and emails. The administrative team will have more bandwidth to manage emails in a more timely manner, but phone calls will remain irregular. Online booking continues to be your most efficient method to access our services on your schedule.

Looking forward, we hope to include in-house Pilates with our Physio Assistants in early August, our next step in a re-opening plan. Their Virtual Exercise services continue to be available in the mean-time, and Pilates on the equipment is available with our Pilates trained Physiotherapists.

Other news?

  • Ayla will soon be a licensed Physiotherapist having transferred her Australian training to the BC authorities

  • Mark will soon be releasing Elite Physio + Performance’s web-page as the gateway to his elite athlete consulting services. One of these days the link at the top will be open ;)

  • Gastown Massage Therapy and City Hall Massage Therapy are also expanding appointment times and service (and also maintaining strict CoVid precautions, as we do)

  • Ayla, Becs, and Aaron contributed to our Uber Famous Home Exercises and Movement Challenges again this month. If you end up chatting with them or your Physio, feel free to give any ideas you would like to see for exercises!

Again, thank you for your support.
